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“but God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth
and to save your lives by a great deliverance”
(Genesis 45:7)

A new mission, the Remnant Revolution “Net” Tour 2024 through 2025!
We are sharing the Acts 2:38 message, to be baptized in the name of Yeshua (Jesus Christ) for the remission of sin and be filled with the Holy Spirit and Fire! Contact us here if you’d like Jaime and I to come to your area as we travel across our Great Nation! We are also setting up local events like “Remember the Alamo” and “Buck-Up Relief Mission” to support humanitarian efforts and ministry events.
The first mission of our “Fish” tour was simple, to go out and spark a revolution of Spirit & Truth in communities throughout the USA. The soft launch of this tour begun on April 26th, 2023 out of Virginia Beach, VA, where we as the Gideon 300 re-covenanted this nation back to God at the First Landing 1607 Project event. You can watch the entire “marriage ceremony” at FirstLanding1607.com.
Our official launch of the original “Fish” tour was on May 27th in Collinsville, TX on the day of Pentecost, wrapping up in Colorado Springs, CO Sept 29th-Oct 6th for 7 days of fellowship during the Feast of Tabernacles!
The latter rain is falling, the Great Exodus is upon us and there’s a Remnant Rising! Join the Army of the Lord as we move into victory and reap the fruit of the Kingdom!
With God, nothing is impossible
Robert & Jaimé Agee

The Original 2023 “Fish” Tour Map
(We did not plan to create a fish, the route just happened to form this path!)
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