Our story

You may wonder how this mission came about? Short answer, God gave a commission to “go” and we all chose to say “yes – send me!” The idea of a tour was spoken to the hearts of many over the last several years, through visions, dreams, Spirit-led prompting, and the very prophetic words of a tour spoken over us. We have been patiently waiting for Him to fulfill these promises that have been burning within us. Those of us that have been apart of this call from conception understand fully that this is a huge mission. It could have literally not been done without the Lords’ hand in it, and others’ willing hearts. We are sure that He has been fully preparing each of us for many years, for this very mission, for such a time as this.
Due to a totally corrupt media and inept government, we put up our first banner in Bonham, Texas on November 1st, 2021. Little did we know it would quickly turn into a nation wide billboard campaign fueled by We The People. As of Nov 1st, 2023 we have raised over $550,000 allowing us to put up 250+ outdoor billboards in 35 states, 500+ indoor billboards in over 400 venues, bus benches, mobile digital trucks and a giant billboard in Times Square for 10 months! Banners4Freedom.com
On April 26th, 2023, we were given an additional assignment to help organize the First Landing 1607 Project where we Re-Covenanted this nation back to God at the original First Landing site in Virginia Beach, VA. This was a historic event and a transition moment for our country. FirstLanding1607.com
Next was the Remnant Revolution Tour that began back on 2.22.2022 where we received a prophetic word on how we would be traveling across the country in a tour. Over the next year, through many confirmations, dreams and visions, we knew we had to do something. We launched on May 27th, 2023, out of Collinsville, TX where we went out to The Remnant from Pentecost to the Feast of Tabernacles baptizing over 120 and taking a message of truth, hope and revival to the nation.
We have been assigned to a new mission, the Remnant Revolution “Net” Tour!
The “Net” tour begin on October 13, 2023 in Miami, FL where we begun to travel across the US on a new route, sharing the gospel of Acts 2:38 and baptizing folks in the name of Jesus Christ (Yeshua) for the remission of sin and calling on the Lord to film them with the Holy Spirit and Fire! Contact us here if you’d like Jaime and I to come to your area! We are also organizing other events like the “Remember the Alamo” prophetic word delivered by Pastor Andre and the Buck Up Relief Mission to deliver supplies to those affected by hurricane Helene.
We have entered the time of a Great Spiritual Awakening where the Lord Jesus is establishing His Kingdom here on earth. It’s time we take authority over the tools the enemy has used to propagate his lies and Raise a Banner of Truth in its place.
Jaime and I are so eager to see what lies ahead in this Great Exodus moment, as the Remnant rise across the Earth!
Gen. 45:7
Robert & Jaimé Agee